fnctId=pnuProfl,fnctNo=1505 search postings Name Title Major profile list Jeong, Se-Young (鄭世泳) Title Professor Phone +82 51-510-3289 e-mail syjeong@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://syjeong.pusan.ac.kr/ Major Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetic Semiconductor, and Properties of single crystal metal Lab. Nano Crystal Research Lab. Jhun, Byung Hak Title Professor Phone +82 51-510-6117 e-mail bjhun@pusan.ac.kr Homepage Nanomedicine Lab Major Nanomedicine Lab. Nanomedicine Lab Jeong, Myung Yung (鄭命永) Title Professor Phone +82 51-510-2797 e-mail myjeong@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://nanofab.pusan.ac.kr Major Nanofabrication, Nano-optomechanics, and Cogno-optomechatronics Lab. Nanofabrication and Optical Device Lab. Shin, Bo Sung( 申普盛) Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-2787 e-mail bosung@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://limit.pusan.ac.kr Major Ultra-fine processing, 3D patterning Lab. Laser-aided Innovative Manufacturing Technology Lab. Kyhm, Kwangseuk Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-2728 e-mail kskyhm@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://www.uqolab.com/ Major Optical Nonlinearity & Quantum Photonics of Nanomaterials Lab. Ultrafast Quantum Optoelectronics Lab. Chung, Young Hwa (鄭榮和) Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-6116 e-mail younghc@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://nbvil.pusan.ac.kr Major Viral Immunology Lab. Nano-Viral Immunology Lab. Kim, Chang Seok (金昌錫) Title Professor/Dean of the Department Phone +82-51-510-6116 e-mail ckim@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://nps.pusan.ac.kr Major Nano Optical Electronic System Lab. Nano Photonics System Lab. Chang, Seung-Cheol Title Professor Phone +82 51-510-2276 e-mail s.c.chang@pusan.ac.kr Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/seung-cheol-chang-pnu-ibsl Major Bioanalytical Chemistry, Electrochemical Biosensors, and Bio-mimic Nanocomposite-based Sensors Lab. Integrated Biosensor Systems Lab. Han, Dong-Wook (韓東旭) Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-7725 e-mail nanohan@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://smartlab.pusan.ac.kr Major Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering Lab. SMART Lab. (Smart BioMaterials And Regenerative Therapy) Hong, Suck Won ( 洪錫元) Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-6119 e-mail swhong@pusan.ac.kr Homepage https://sites.google.com/site/nanofablab Major Materials Science and Engineering: Carbon Nanomaterials and Electronics Lab. Nanofabrication Research Lab. Kim, Kyujung ( 金奎廷) Title Professor Phone +82-51-510-2971 e-mail k.kim@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://sites.google.com/site/pnunbp Major BioPhotonics and Optical Engineering Lab. NanoBioPhotonics Lab. Kim, Seungchul Title Associate Professor Phone +82 51-510-7421 e-mail s.kim@pusan.ac.kr Homepage http://www.skimlab.net Major Optical sensors, Nano-photonics Lab. Ultrafast applied photonics lab. Kim, Jeesu Title Assistant Professor Phone +82 51-510-6128 e-mail jeesukim@pusan.ac.kr Homepage https://www.bilab-pnu.com Major Biomedical Imaging Lab. Biomedical Imaging Lab. Kang, Mijeong Title Assistant Professor Phone +82 51-510-6118 e-mail mkang@pusan.ac.kr Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/nanobioanalysis-lab Major Nano Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Analytical Chemistry Lab. Nanobioanalysis Lab. Eom Tae Joong Title Assistant Professor Phone e-mail eomtj@pusan.ac.kr Homepage https://sites.google.com/view/biomedical-informatics-lab Major Optical Imaging Lab. Optical Imaging and Informatics Lab.